Your contributions help advance the mission, not just of our local parish but of the universal church. As such, we are using the following categories to designate funds for specific purposes.

Parishioner contributions accounted on a weekly basis that make up the church's general fund. These also include contributions made on Holy Days (Ash Wed, All Saints, etc)


Used to cover utility bills, and for minor maintenance projects/repairs of our buildings. It also helps fund the annual insurance for our campus facilities. 


Used to help cover upkeep cost of Mt Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Holton


Used to assist in defraying expenses incurred in the administration of our faith formation programs: Religious Education, Youth Group, Adult Faith Formation and RCIA. 


Special fund collected to purchase flowers that adorn our sanctuaries on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday. You can make these gifts "in memory of" a deceased family member or friend. 


Collected only as a particular need arises, usually for aid to our brothers and sisters involved in natural disasters and other worthy causes identified by the archdiocese.

Extra Parochial Collections 2023

Throughout the year, extra parochial collections are made for the benefit of the universal church. Currently, giving method is limited to specially-designated envelopes. Online-giving for these types of collection is currently in development.

The Leaven is the archdiocesan newspaper publication distributed to each registered household in the parish. Our parishes already cover the cost for you. However, if you wish to help us out and cover this yourself, it will be most appreciated.

  • Church in Latin America
  • Black and Indian Missions
  • Church in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Catholic Relief Services
  • CRS Rice Bowl
  • Catholic Home Missions Appeal
  • Pontifical Collection for the Holy Land (Good Friday)
  • Priesthood: Past, Present and Future (Good Shepherd Sunday)
  • Catholic Communications Campaign
  • Peter's Pence (Collection for the Holy Father)
  • Church in Africa
  • Mission Coop (Milawi - St Dominic / Reds Indian Mission - St Francis Xavier)
  • Catholic University of America
  • World Mission Sunday
  • Campaign for Human Development
  • Retirement Fund for Religious
  • Catholic Charities (Christmas)
  • Collection for the  Archdiocese of Military Services

Extra Parochial Collections 2024

Throughout the year, extra parochial collections are made for the benefit of the universal church. Currently, giving method is limited to specially-designated envelopes. Online-giving for these types of collection is currently in development.
  • Church in Latin America
  • Black and Indian Missions
  • Church in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Catholic Relief Services
  • CRS Rice Bowl
  • Pontifical Collection for the Holy Land (Good Friday)
  • Catholic Home Missions Appeal
  • Priesthood: Past, Present and Future (Good Shepherd Sunday)
  • Catholic Communications Campaign
  • Peter's Pence (Collection for the Holy Father)
  • Church in Africa
  • Mission Coop (Milawi - St Dominic / Reds Indian Mission - St Francis Xavier)
  • Catholic University of America
  • World Mission Sunday
  • Campaign for Human Development
  • Retirement Fund for Religious
  • Catholic Charities (Christmas)
  • Collection for the  Archdiocese of Military Services

The Leaven is the archdiocesan newspaper publication distributed to each registered household in the parish. Our parishes already cover the cost for you. However, if you wish to help us out and cover this yourself, it will be most appreciated.